Education Research Committee
The Education Research Consultant and the Education Research Committee represent the KEC and its stakeholders in research partnerships. The Education Research Committee (ERC) is comprised of a minimum of five (5) and maximum of eight (8) committee members, and is chaired by the Education Research Consultant. Committee members are primarily KEC staff, the majority of whom are community members of Kahnawà:ke. KEC staff seats include: a Post-Secondary Counselor, the Curriculum Team Coordinator, the KEC Policy Writer, and one additional staff seat from either the administrative team or teaching staff (with approval from their direct supervisor). Special seats are reserved on the ERC: one (1) seat reserved for a KCSC board member(s), one (1) seat reserved for a KSDPP representative, and one seat (1) seat for a community member-at-large with extensive knowledge and experience in Indigenous education and/or research.
Role of the Education Research Committee
The main duty of the ERC is to review research requests and ethics applications to ensure that research activities align with the KEC’s strategic plan and the KEC's Research Policy and Code of Ethics, and that all collaborative activities proceed in a fair and equitable manner. The Education Research Committee collectively makes decisions by consensus on requests received by the Education Research Coordinator. Requests include community ethics reviews, graduate research, university partnerships, school-based projects, and other types of collaborative activities. The ERC meets once per month, except for committee breaks in July and December.
Education Research Consultant
The Education Research Consultant is a staff member of the KEC responsible for overseeing the research ethics application, review process and implementation of the KEC Research Policy & Code of Ethics. The Education Research Consultant is also the main liaison between the Director of Education, KEC administration, and research partners or project collaborators. The Consultant has the responsibility to make decisions related to requests and active files, with guidance and input from ERC. The Consultant is the KEC’s representative on KSDPP’s research team and/or Community Advisory Board. A list of additional responsibilities for this role can be found in the KEC Research Policy & Code of Ethics.
ERC Member Profiles
Education Research Consultant (ERC Chair)
ERC Committee Members:
1. Kahtehrón:ni Iris Stacey, Curriculum Team Coordinator
2. Sandra-Lynn Leclaire, Social Studies Curriculum Consultant
3. Bethany Douglas, Post-Secondary Distance Counsellor
4. Adriana Poulette, Policy Writer
5. Lily Deer, KCSC Representative seat
6. Curran Jacobs, Community-member-at-large seat
7. Vacant, KSDPP Representative seat
Past members: Tsohahí:io Deom, Alex McComber (KSDPP), Donna Goodleaf (Concordia University), & Silver Montour (KCSC).