Information Technology

The KEC information technology team manages all aspects of IT within the KEC as well as assisting in community IT projects like the Tewatá:ti Fibre project.

Some recent projects that the team has realized include:

  • Chromebook project: when the pandemic hit the entire team worked to get google classroom up and running in short order as well as equipping the majority of the student body with chromebooks. Now that we have returned to on site learning the chromebooks are continuing to be used and maintained by the team.

  • Wifi upgrades within the schools: For many years the KEC has offered WIFI within the schools. After the pandemic with the shift back to the schools, the great number of new devices (chromebooks and IPads) put a strain on the existing wireless network. The team worked with the FNEC to secure the equipment to bring the wifi network up to par.

  • VOIP: upgrading our various phone systems to VOIP. This helped the KEC realize considerable savings on our telecommunications budgets.

This is a small example of the projects the IT team has worked on, they are always diligently working on new projects to ensure the KEC community has the best in technology available.

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