Strategic Planning

"Although we are on a learning curve, we are always guided by our Strategic Plan."

Robin Delaronde, Director of Education

How Strategic Planning Works at KEC

Under the leadership of the Director of Education, Robin Delaronde, a mini strategic planning process was undertaken in 2014. It was built on the Blueprint, the Three Year Review and a consultation with staff, parents, partner organizations and the community at large. The purpose was to have agreed-upon priorities for the future of the KEC.

The process identified three goals linked to curriculum, partnerships with the community and governance. It quickly became apparent that the desire for change in the organization was not "mini" and the Plan was extended until Spring 2019.

A Steering Committee guides the strategic planning process. Representatives from KEC and KCSC work with a facilitator to provide leadership and direction to the process.

A Planning Group, with representatives from each school, Steering Committee members, and other administrators (as appropriate) meets on a less regular basis to provide input to the Plan, leadership on implementation of the yearly objectives, and to advocate and promote the Strategic Plan.

The KCSC has final approval of the Plan.

Yearly objectives, tasks, and timelines are created to support the achievement of the three strategic goals by 2019.

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