Post-Secondary Counselor
The Post-Secondary Counsellor aids current and prospective Kahnawà:ke students who are attending post-secondary institutions, via one-on-one counselling and the management of payments and refunds. The Post-Secondary Counsellor also assists the Director of Finance and Administration with the breakdown of the annual budget. Other responsibilities include Special Projects, Benefits Administration, and Guidelines.
Post-Secondary Distance Counselor
The Post-Secondary Distance Counsellor provides guidance and establishes a support system for first-year and continuing CEGEP students, ensuring a smooth transition into Post-Secondary life. The Distance Counsellor also acts as liaison with students attending the Kiuna Institute. Other responsibilities include supervising the Education Partnerships Program (Dawson/French), the Journeys Transition Program, and the Post-Secondary Partnerships Program (McGill/Teacher Training).
Post-Secondary Team