In-School Committees

The In-School Committee acts as an advisory body for the principal and—where appropriate—the Kahnawà:ke Combined Schools Committee (KCSC) in their decision-making on educational issues. Each of the three Kahnawà:ke Education Center schools possess an In-School Committee.

Each Committee conducts a monthly meeting, to which all parents are invited to attend. Members of the In-School Committee will have input concerning: student learning and school improvement, maintaining a school-wide perspective on various issues, and representing and communicating the views of the school community.

In-School Committee Members are selected through a ballot system, supervised by the respective school’s Principal. Parents, legal guardians, and teachers whose student is enrolled at the respective school are eligible to both select and run as a parent representative. Each Committee is comprised of six (6) parents/guardians, two (2) teachers, and the school’s Principal.

The Role of the In-School Committee

The advisory role of the “In-School” Committee will be to provide ideas and opinions to assist the principal and, where appropriate, Kahnawà:ke Combined Schools Committee in their decisions-making on educational issues. The advice should be based on the general views of the school community, and the best interests of students throughout the school. In-School committee must operate within the KCSC. policies and procedures.


In-School Committee will deal with issues of particular relevance to their school communities, and establish their priorities. System policy will require that the school principal, senior staff and the KCSC where relevant, seek advice from the In School Committee in the following general areas:

  • The local school year calendar.
  • The school code of behaviour.
  • School program goals and priorities and curriculum delivery.
  • School budget priorities.
  • Extracurricular activities in the school.
  • School-based services and community partnerships related to social, health, recreational, and nutritional programs.
  • Development, implementation, and review KCSC policies at local level.

As well, the In-School Committee will provide input to the school profile, which describes the different student groups represented in the school population and the school’s activities and educational priorities.

If you wish to participate in the In-School Committee meetings of your child(ren)’s school(s) or would like additional information, feel free to contact the following:

  • Kateri School – (450) 632-3350
  • Karonhianonhnha School – (450) 638-2970
  • Kahnawake Survival School – (450) 632-8831
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