Resignation of Kateri School and Kahnawà:ke Survival School (KSS)
Representatives on the Kahnawà:ke Combined Schools Committee (KCSC)
Kahnawà:ke, Quebec – 25 September 2024
The Kahnawà:ke Combined Schools Committee (KCSC) would like to advise the
community of the following resignations:
- Jenny Lahache, the Kahnawà:ke Survival School (KSS) representative on the
KCSC resigned on August 14, 2024. She was an active KCSC member since
November 20, 2023, and;
- Jayde McComber, the Kateri School Representative on the KCSC resigned on
September 4, 2024. She was an active KCSC member since December 13,
Niá:wen to Jenny and Jayde for their hard work and dedication. The KCSC wishes them
the best in all of their future endeavours.
The following seats are vacant on the KCSC:
● 1 Kateri School seat (for a parent/guardian of student(s) attending Kateri School),
● 1 Kahnawà:ke Survival School (KSS) seat (for a parent/guardian of student(s)
attending KSS, and;
● 1 General Seat (for a parent/guardian of student(s) attending outside schools
funded by the KEC).
For more information, please contact:
Tahothoratie Cross
Chairperson & Post-Secondary Rep
[email protected]
Jerilyn Horn-Montour
KCSC Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
The current KCSC members are:
1. Kenya Bero (Kateri School Representative)
2. Kimberly Cross-Zacharie (Karonhianónhnha Representative)
3. Tahothoratie Cross, (Post-Secondary Representative & Chairperson)
4. Lily Deer (Community Representative)
5. Shona'tsó:wane Diabo (Mohawk Trail Longhouse Representative)
6. Chelsea Lahache (General/Outside Schools Representative & Secretary)
7. Lynne Norton (Longhouse on 207 Representative & Interim Vice-Chairperson)
8. Amanda Rice-Leblanc (KSS Representative)
9. Reaghan Tarbell (Karonhianónhnha School Representative